My Experience as a High School Student.

If I wouldn’t have left Genesee Idaho I would have gone to a high school that was in the same building as the elementary school. 400 kids max. Maybe i would have had more school spirit, gone to a few more sporting events. But that’s not what happened. I moved away when i was 13 to Coeur D Alene. I attended a magnet middle school and then attended Lake City Highschool.

Coming into Lake City as a freshman I was as excited as any other student. But there were so many students. Everyone was different and it was honestly intimidating. Being the student I am I put my best foot forward and excelled at the classes I chose to take. Trying new things like theatre, pottery, and different kinds of sciences. I even joined a sport at the end of the year, and went on to be the number 2 varsity golfer on the team.

As I got older and the struggle at home got harder to ignore, there were certain steps i had to take for myself and my family to keep us afloat. I began working at 14, first just a summer job then part time at subway. Between golf, work, and schoolwork, I hardly had time to think. I would get up at 6, go to school until 2:30, go to practice until 4 then off to work until 9. I was lucky to get to bed by 10 and do it all over again.

When I was 16 and heading into my junior year i started to notice things. First, my golf game was improving exceedingly. I was on varsity and getting better scores every tournament due to practicing everyday. Second, I had my own money, and with that money i had my own car and was building independence very quickly. Lastly, I wasn’t excelling in school, I was going to class everyday, but i was putting less and less effort in and still passing with flying colors. The teachers didn’t pay attention to me, because they figured i had everything down and i didn’t need to be watched I guess. My other activities were improving me as a person and my future. School was the only thing that wasnt.

I didnt want to believe that i was wasting my time. So i watched more closely and began to experiment. One class i decided to put my headphones in my ears and put the music up loud. I didnt hear a word the teacher said and he didnt look at me twice. The classes were an hour and a half long, 4 classes a day. I couldnt deny it any longer, so I left regular highschool.

The next school i went to was kootenai bridge academy. I could do classes online and go at my own pace. They understood my motive for transferring schools and worked with me through my struggles at home. My parents didnt understand but i didnt let their negative comments stop me. I knew what i needed. I continued at the academy for a year. Going through so many obstacles from being homeless to being emotionally broken. But the staff at KBA never gave up on me.

Unfortunately in the end finacial struggle became too much and i once again was given a choice. I could either stay in cda and finish at KBA, but i would have to once again find a place to live and stay on top of my priorities. Or i could move back home to Genesee and continue my highschool experience At Paradise Creek.

Now i am here, and im so close to graduating and i will continue to excell in my education with the help of the programs and staff here.

4 thoughts on “My Experience as a High School Student.

  1. Nice introduction. I’ve already talked to you about this in person but now everyone else can also get a sense of who you are. You told me about the Genesee thing before and how you were pushed to your limit of HAVING to come here. You also told me that you are gonna be the first person in your family to get a diploma which I’m glad you are upping your game to acquire this, it’s very important in my opinion. Anyway, I think you gonna really enjoy this school, I know I have personally. Always remember that if you get into a conflict with someone here, just tell them bummer like Doctor Pollard would. Cool post and very informative.


  2. i appreciate you putting you’re self out there and introducing you’re self to us, it shows you are not afraid to be you’re self. The more you are confident in you’re self the more things you can achieve throughout life.


  3. I hate how sometimes in life you have to change schools. I don’t think this is very good with trying to get an education and the process for getting a diploma is over complicated. I know from experience that this has its hardships and I’m glad that you found what works for you.


  4. Wow I didn’t know that. You are really smart and I can hear that just in the language you use. I went through an experience somewhat similar to yours with the aspects that I started at Troy basically the same concept at Genesee than I went to Moscow did alright there for a few years then I decided that for what I wanted to do Moscow wasn’t the right choice for me anymore so I came here.


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